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Friday, June 25, 2010

GOAL Kenya: Global Security Advisor

General Description of the Role

The primary function of this role is to be a member of GOAL’s Technical Team (TT) to provide support to GOAL’s overseas operations.

The specific functions of the role will include providing technical advice to all GOAL programmes on security related matters. GOAL’s mandate is to work in the poorest and most impoverished countries which inevitably involve a higher level of risk. The role of the Global Security Advisor is to mitigate and manage this risk and provide sound technical advise to GOAL’s Senior Management Team in both head quarters and at field level.

In addition to specific security related functions, the work may include providing: front line emergency support; providing cover in the absence of senior programme management staff; providing support to fields; desk work; and carrying out evaluations and assessments. Attendance will be required at technical team meetings and it is hoped that there would be synergies from having technical team members working together on field visits.

While undertaking the programme support function the TT member will be accountable to the Country Director at all times. It is envisaged that approximately 20 weeks would be spent overseas over the 6 months of contract with any assignment’s length not ordinarily exceeding eight weeks.

General Objectives of the Position:

To support the development of GOAL’s overseas programmes; specifically:

  1. Along with other member of GOAL’s TT, the candidate will be responsible for the provision of technical support and advice on the planning, implementation of GOAL country programmes in order to improve the quality of programme planning and subsequent monitoring and evaluation.
  2. To work with other members of the technical team to continue to contribute to standardised planning and policies which will promote an integrated programme approach and improve the quality, efficiency and impact of GOAL country programmes.
  3. Provision of support to GOAL staff on training and development, in order to improve technical capacity across programmes and within the organisation with specific emphasis on national staff members
  4. To support the development of GOAL’s emergency response capacity overseas.

Specific security objectives:

  • Be the focal point for security in GOAL. Establish on-going links with senior management and the security contact in each country (both internal and external networking). Ensure that GOAL has accurate, relevant and reliable security information on each field at all times;
  • Review and revise GOAL’s field security documents (Safety and Security Evacuation Plans / SSEPs) to ensure they are up-to-date and accurate;
  • Ensure that every GOAL programme location has an appropriate evacuation plan;
  • Devise a security template ensuring that all GOAL fields and new emergencies provide HQ with updated security plans in the standard format;
  • Carry out security and risk assessments;
  • Advise on staffing requirements for security;
  • Devise policies and procedures that are appropriate and consistent with the aims of the organisation;
  • Ensure that the welfare of staff is prioritised at all times;

Other Responsibilities

  • Assist with emergencies particularly at set-up stage. Be available and prepared to travel within 24 hours at all times;
  • Provide possible cover for senior positions e.g. CD, ACD, Emergency Co-ordinator, etc.;
  • Handling of any other serious situations that may arise overseas as delegated by Dublin Head Office senior management.

The position remains open until filled.

To Apply:

Closing date: 09 Jul 2010
Location: Kenya – Roving based in Nairobi

Please send your CV and cover letter to

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East Africa Vacancies

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