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Friday, May 28, 2010

FUTURE OPTIONS CONSULTING LTD:Extension Manager - Jobs and Vacancies in Uganda

FUTURE OPTIONS CONSULTING LTD-- offering online recruitment services is recruiting on behalf of its valued Client
The Organisation has signed an MOU with WFP with respect to implementation of the Collective Marketing Support Programme for Dokolo District. To ultimate objective is to enhance agricultural livelihoods in the area through greater utilization of improved production practices and improved access to markets through collective marketing activities. The field activities will be supported by the Organisation’s Kampala office under the guidance of WFP

Job Summary:
Coordinating the farmer’s activities with respect to improved production practices and quality management through better post harvest handling. This includes provision of management / logistical support, training, supervision, and technical assistance to the Extension Service Providers, DFA, Lead farmers and stakeholders based on the assessed needs.

Duties and Tasks Project implementation support (primary Role):
 Manage and coordinate all farmer trainings activities in production and post harvest handling within approved work plan and budgets.
 Manage the quality of the farmer training and progress against targets. Ensure development of detailed work plans and targets for farmer business training activities and monitor progress against those targets
 Provide technical assistance to trainers and ensure timely availability of demonstration and training materials. Ensure the recommended extension messages are coordinated with other stakeholders wherever possible to avoid contradiction and confusion.
 Manage the farmers training budget according to approved budgets. Monitor the expenditures by staff, collect accountabilities, ensure necessary cash flow for essential activities, and collect their request for the coming month to ensure that they stick to budgets. Seek approval for any reallocation of resources.
 Enforce proper documentation by field staff and ensure quality and timeliness of data collection and monthly reporting. Monthly reports and work plans/ requests for the coming month are due no later than 25th day of each month. Monthly salaries will not be paid until all reports and accountabilities are submitted.
 Ensure primary data collection by the ESP’s, summarize and analyze information for inclusion in reports.
 Train ESPs to do the yield assessments. Manage the filling data. Prepare the basic yield and cost information for cost benefit analysis.
 Design ESP activity / target tracking form and train ESP’s how to keep it. Closely monitor the progress against targets.
 Prepare periodic update reports for WFP coordination meetings and monthly/ quarterly reports on farmer training (to be submitted to the programme Coordinator). Attend meetings and present progress updates as necessary.
 Identify the inputs needed for demonstrations. Liaise with the PC to work out procurement needs in the most cost effective manner.
 Advise the PC on the technical quality of the farmer training materials and radio programmes. Assisting with translations.
 Oversee farmer training on animal traction.
 Verify location, and layout of demonstrations. Ensure timely planting and proper management of commercial scale demonstrations. Monitor yields. Every demonstration must be visited at least three times during the season.
 Oversee training of artisans and construction/ installation of cribs, drying yards and post harvest handling equipment.
 Conduct training of trainers and lead farmers in Post Harvest Handling.
 Monitor post harvest handling and grain quality in each of the collection sites.
 Oversee training farmer training on vegetable production, poultry management, small scale irrigation and any other risk mitigation measures identified.
 Attends the District food security meetings if delegated by PC. Reporting and Data collection Ensure that monthly project reports on farmers training are prepared and submitted to the PC

A degree in marketing or any other related field
Three years working experience in agricultural marketing - Managerial skills

How to apply:
Future Options Consulting Ltd, 4th. Floor, Diamond Trust Bldg,

Only short listed candidates will be contacted Deadline is 28th-May-2010

More Jobs and Vacancies in East Africa available here

East Africa Vacancies

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